
No one understands me (again) or Why I'm writing this blog

This blog, or should I say collection of writings is an attempt to document my final project in my architecture studies, not so much the process, but mainly thoughts, theories an insight about the more theoretical sides of my project and related ideas.
As the faculty of architecture at the Technion regards reading as something you can do only if you haven't got any better way to waste your time, and writing as borderline obscene I needed to find a platform where I can discuss my ideas, not so much for the purpose of getting responses (or any other kinds of feedbacks) but more of a way to formulate ideas, namedropping and quoting songs.
Mainly, this blog was created to help me contemplate thought that, as the title suggest, I can't really talk with anyone about and get a proper response.
As these texts might turn out in some form or another to be the base of my thesis, it will most likely take the shape of a collection of articles which might require a certain theoretical knowledge (I'd suggest Greg Lynn and Rem Koolhaas as a descent beginning) which I'll make an effort to mention although some ideas might pop up without appropriate reference.
Oh, and just to make things clear my project is about creating urban structures in high density situations and why an how we can create them as three dimensional structures.

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